Educating the world about the importance of sustainability through community initiatives."

Nourishing Minds and Bodies
Miss Earth 2021: Leading the Way
Cultivating Change, One Plant at a Time
A Brighter Future for Our Youth

About Us

Operation Kingdom is a nonprofit organization founded by the Wagner family. We focus on sustainable agriculture and the use of natural herbs for health. Our community efforts include feeding programs and educational support for youth.

“13 But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you.”

Our Mission
At Operation Kingdom, our mission is to promote sustainable agriculture and educate the world about the importance of sustainability through various community initiatives. We are dedicated to feeding our communities and supporting youth, education, fostering a holistic approach to health, wellness, and empowerment while protecting Belize's natural resources.
Our Vision
Sustainable practices are widespread, our communities are well-nourished and educated, and our reefs remain vibrant. Our goal is to create a future where every individual has access to nutritious meals, comprehensive health solutions, quality education, opportunities, and clean waters. We promote sustainable agriculture to protect the environment.

Ongoing Programs

Our sustainable feeding program located in the Toledo district caters to four villages and has been running for the past seven years.

Featured Project

"Our Newest Project: Reef Renew Plastic to Purpose"

This project, based in central Belize, aims to lower pollution rates and protect our reefs. We will be collecting plastic materials and repurposing them to extend their lifespan.

Introducing Our Newest Project: Reef Renew - Plastic to Purpose

We are thrilled to unveil our latest initiative, Reef Renew – Plastic to Purpose, set to revolutionize the way our country approaches recycling. This groundbreaking project aims to transform everyday plastics from households, schools, and workplaces into durable, long-lasting objects that will benefit underserved communities.

Our Partnerships

To maximize our impact, we are partnering with a diverse range of sectors, including:

Our Vision

Reef Renew is more than just a recycling project; it’s a movement. By utilizing state-of-the-art machinery in our dedicated warehouse, we will repurpose plastic waste into essential items such as podiums, chairs, tables, and desks. These

high-quality products will be distributed to schools, community centers, and other vital institutions, ensuring that no plastic goes to waste and every community has the resources they need.

Get Involved

Join us in our mission to create sustainable communities. Find out how you can contribute to our ongoing and upcoming projects.

Together, we can redefine recycling and build a more sustainable future. Learn more about how you can get involved and support Reef Renew – Plastic to Purpose.

Join us in making a difference. Whether

you’re an individual, organization, or business, there are numerous ways to participate:

From the Earth, For the Earth

Medicinal Herbs: Nature’s Gift to Us 

Our Programs

Our Goals

We promote sustainable agriculture to protect the environment. We educate on the health benefits of medicinal herbs. We support communities by providing meals and educational resources.

Practicing and promoting sustainable agriculture
We are dedicated to practicing and promoting sustainable agriculture while educating the world on the importance of medicinal herbs. Our specialization in natural herbs aims to cleanse the body and soul, including but not limited to Contribo for coughs, colds, flu, and loss of appetite; Balsam for colds and coughs; Wild Yam for diabetes, urinary tract issues, and cleansing; China Root for reviving blood, colds, and congestion; and Cerasee for cleansing, building blood, and reducing blood pressure.
Feeding our communities through a sustainable feeding program
We are committed to feeding our communities through a sustainable feeding program and providing educational resources to youth who wish to further their education. Currently, we cater to five schools in Punta Gorda, Belize, and surrounding villages, with plans to expand. Our support includes providing meals, school supplies, toys, and scholarships.


Destiny Wagner is our community director. She is the face of Operation Kingdom and is responsible for planning, preparing and executing community initiatives. She was recently crowned Miss Earth 2021 and is the only Belizean beauty ambassador to win an international pageant.

Belizean Blues is a book composed of various poems and short stories published in November of 2020. Destiny along with several other authors in her country collaborated in order to raise funds for Operation Kingdom. 100% of the proceeds are going toward Operation Kingdoms feeding program and educational initiatives. Belizean Blues: 9798638218706: Wagner, Destiny Evelyn, Young, Ajani, Rhaburn, Elton, Cho, Henry, Pollard, Afeni, Lopez, Hydie, Arnold, Blake, Major, Trevor, Palacio, Rasheed, Gabourel, Kyraan: Books. 

Support Youth Education

We are committed to offering educational resources and support, such as school supplies, scholarships, and learning opportunities, to help young people achieve their educational goals.





Our Recent blog

Destiny Wagner | The Journey as Miss Earth 2021-22

Source: Destiny Wagner is a digital influencer, author, philanthropist, certified diver, and entrepreneur from the noble southernmost town of Punta Gorda. While living in the

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